2013 Family Pic

2013 Family Pic

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Chinese Duds

I just returned from Hong Kong and brought back a couple of traditional silk outfits for Grace. She seemed to like wearing them as much as I enjoyed snapping photos. I particularly enjoyed shooting pics in the bathroom as she checked herself out in the mirror.

Check out more at http://picasaweb.google.com/mmfriedl/GraceMay

Fix it, Daddy!

When Grace found the chin strap on her Elmo party hat had broken, she knew where to go for repairs!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Toddlers & Cupcakes

Grace just turned 2, and she and her 20-month old friend Sydney celebrated with cupcakes together. We don't often give her sweets, so this was a pretty new experience for her. I think the same went for Sydney, but they figured out what to do with their cupcakes. It was priceless. [Grace is on the right. Sydney is on the left]
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ultrasound pics of the new baby

We had the so-called 4-D ultrasound on Monday afternoon. This is a process whereby they use imaging technology to turn a 2-D ultrasound image into a 3-D image with motion (presumably the fourth dimension). It's very cool.

We had this done with Grace when she was around 30 weeks along, but she was sleeping with a hand over her face so the images were very poor. This time, the baby is 28 weeks and so has more room to move around. Melissa drank some juice right before and the baby was very active, so the images are much better.

We got some video, and may try to post it later, but for now, here are some images. Very cool!

Oh, we still don't know what we are having, and told the doc to make sure he 'stayed north. Click here for more pics: 'http://picasaweb.google.com/mmfriedl/4DNewBoo